Monday, 8 June 2015

Can we just PLEASE stop freaking out over boobies and breastfeeding?

Good for this woman (link to her story below). I love what she did and said. I would only add (and it's not the first time I have said it) ..... CAN. WE. PLEASE. GET. OVER. THIS. Boobs and Babes are natural. If a woman chooses to breastfeed, then we should support her. If she doesn't, we should support her too. But a boob has never, ever, never burned out someones retina. It is not dangerous to look at, it is not Medusa. A boob can not turn you to stone. And NO woman feeding her baby should ever feel ashamed of her booby. If she CHOOSES to cover up, that is fine, but it should not be out of shame. It's just a boob folks, nothing to see here. I saw one in the mirror this morning, in fact I saw 2. Lucky me, to have kept both when some women face such serious health scares that they lose one or both. They were looking a little rough, were looking every bit their 42 years of age, were looking like they'd spent almost 4 years feeding babies, and they were looking pretty fiercely proud of all that. The world has never once failed to spin on her axis when anyone else saw them either.

Seriously, CAN WE JUST GET OVER THIS? I am proud of this woman. I am sorry if she felt even a moment of shame or self doubt because of that man. He had no right to judge her or her booby. I'd LIKE to say that all of this stems from some sort of misogynistic societal bias that boobs are only to be seen when perfect and for the pleasure of others ........... but that's only just a tiny part. It's honestly the, so called, first world's horrifyingly immature attitude about sex and willingness to view prudishness as morality. Somehow we have made sex, intimacy, and our bodies so ridiculously shameful that we think anything remotely related should never be brought out into the light or celebrated or VALUED. It's bad, and disgraceful, and unclean, and should only happen in dark, secret places .......... but bad things can happen and do happen in dark places. Now, I'm not advocating public fornication ......... but can we start evolving into human beings, who embrace their bodies, appreciate beautiful moments of human intimacy (like a Mother Breastfeeding her baby), and make wildly empowered, and respectful decisions about their relationships with their own bodies and the bodies of others - so we can have healthy, enlightened, and happy physical and sexual lives. Full and rich with comfort, and a profound knowledge of the value of touch, physical intimacy, and sexual enjoyment - and the gift of knowing most of the intimacy and love we crave and need (to be fulfilled human beings) isn't actually sexual at all ..... that part is just a bonus.

And in closing, might I simply add that everyone who continues to compare the "natural act" of breastfeeding to the "natural act" of peeing and pooing, as an argument against breastfeeding in public, deserves having someone leave a giant turd in the middle of their dining room table while they are eating ........... you know, to help them see the difference.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Young Dog and new tricks.

One of my greatest pet peeves is being treated like I'm stupid. I don't have all the answers; never have and never will. But I can piece together the fact that supporting a healthy, empowered, respectful, educated population isn't cheap and it isn't easy ........ but in the long term saves money and more importantly saves people. A society that creates broken, disenfranchised people will always COST, in every way. I feel the people of this country are craving a positive change.

So when a Political Party fear mongers and attempts to coerce support from Citizens, they should AT LEAST not assume those people are stupid. It's insulting ..... and shows an obtuse lack of paying attention to what has been going on. For instance, Alberta just voted in a government that (while it makes ME personally insanely pleased) I think they really chose simply because they were so very tired of being treated like they didn't see what was going on.

So now, in advance of the Fall Federal Election, The Federal Conservative Party is running the following ad (link at bottom of blog). In it they cherry pick some of Mr. Trudeau's positions and discuss how meaningless they are, and assume we, the voting public, can't Google Mr. Trudeau to find out his stand on not only these issues but a ton of other more weighty ones. They make comments about his hair, which in this day and age seems like the male equivalent of cleavage shaming a female politician, and they beat around the bush of "he's too young". Now, they don't actually say "he's too young", instead saying "he's not ready" but the impact is the same. And it's a glib attempt to point out Mr. Harper's "experience". But maybe they fail to see that many Canadians aren't loving the "Harper Experience" and just feel ignored ......... many of those Canadians are about the same age as Mr. Trudeau and we don't feel too young to feel sold out by an uncaring government. The Conservatives seem to have forgotten that.

Lastly, I need to point out the fact that Mr. Harper was first elected as Prime Minister at the age of 46 and Mr Trudeau will be 44 (almost 45) at the time of the election. 44 wouldn't even be the youngest Prime Minister in our history. In fact 8 of our 22 Prime Ministers have been under 50, so relative "youth" in politics is not unheard of. Mr Harper's people attacking Mr. Trudeau for his age seems pretty hypocritical and, again, assumes we are too stupid to google these facts. And isn't age just a number, anyways?

So I wish Mr. Trudeau very well and I hope his party doesn't follow suit with a negative campaign. I believe Canadians feel very tired of that. They want a little hope, honour, and kindness to hitch their wagon to. I, personally, tend to lean a little lefter than Mr. Trudeau but am waiting to see what kinds of campaigns are run before I decide. And to the Conservative Party, I'm 43 (a year younger than Mr. Trudeau) and I am old enough to use that wagon colloquialism, old enough to know that Canadians are being marginalized by their own Government, and old enough to know Mr. Harper won't have my vote.