Edmonton is desperately in need of new schools and the 3 you
announced just aren’t enough. In fact, if you could open those 3 schools
tomorrow they would open full. You are well aware they are not enough. You are
well aware that the underutilized school spaces in the inner city and older
areas are NOT where the children are. You realize the children are being
punished for adult’s failure to plan and you have the power to absolve them.
Where is the leadership and will to fix this?
You have always been a government of dollars, of numbers,
and not particularly swayed by the emotions of society. So here is the picture
in numbers.
Edmonton is a big city and unfortunately few
people can walk to work or school. The average adult's commute by private vehicle,
transit, or foot is 23 minutes (one way). http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-008-x/2011002/t/11531/tbl001-eng.htm
The Alberta Government is suggesting that it is perfectly acceptable to ask a
child to commute for, at least, twice that time on the school bus just to
arrive at their “designated catchment school” each and every day (the first
children onto my sons’ elementary school bus route each day ride for a full
hour each way). The newest areas of the SW are now being designated “catchment
schools” which are so far away that the bus ride times are going to top 1 ½
hours (one way). No child in a city as prosperous and populated as Edmonton
should be asked to spend 3 hours on a bus to attend the closest school which
can accommodate them.
You announced an additional new Catholic school
in Windermere even though you know that almost 75% of Edmonton’s children fall
under Edmonton Public’s “School District Residency” or jurisdiction (presumably
this was to again “remind EPSB of their 66% overall utilization rate while
Edmonton Catholic boasts 75%” even though you KNOW that those unused “spots”
aren’t where the kids are). But Edmonton’s housing vacancy rate is lingering at
around 1.4 %, http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/odpub/esub/64379/64379_2013_A01.pdf?fr=1389313556527
and home sales are, for the most part, pacing demand for home purchases http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/odpub/esub/64343/64343_2013_B02.pdf?fr=1389314642071
so it’s fairly clear that the underutilized schools are in areas where the
population has merely aged and the kids aren’t there to attend the schools (we can't go around kicking people out of their homes that that families with small children can live there, can we?).
Also, it would be hard to encourage the turnover to a younger demographic
if these neighbourhood’s schools are all closing, so it’s not as simple as
just closing schools to solve the problem in a big city is it? It must also be
pointed out that many of these “underutilized” inner city schools are “full” of
children who face sizable socio economic, language, and family challenges and
that their school closing would present yet another huge barrier to their
access to equitable educational and life opportunities; but you know that
already, as well, don’t you? http://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/documents/ELEVATE.pdf#xml=http://search1.edmonton.ca/texis/ThunderstoneSearchService/pdfhi.txt?query=elevate&pr=www.edmonton.ca&prox=page&rorder=750&rprox=250&rdfreq=0&rwfreq=0&rlead=750&rdepth=0&sufs=0&order=r&cq=&id=52ceabb77
Even if EPSB closed the schools all that
would change is a percentage number on a bean counter’s page, the available school
spaces still would NOT be where so many of the children ARE.
The Province has no numbers to protect kids.
Aside from a few “recommendations” there is no maximum number of children who
can be placed in a classroom, no maximum number of students a school can be
expected to hold, and no square footage which the Province deems an unsuitable
place for learning. Consequently my kid’s school currently has 568 students
enrolled (when it is considered full at 404 students. This is based on the
Province’s ACU School Capacity calculation http://files.epsb.ca/schoolprofiles/latest/226.pdf
). But at this size we started the year with a shocking 30 children in one of
our English Kindergarten classes, a class in the staffroom, above “recommended”
class sizes for almost every class in the school, 20 classrooms of kids who
can’t get enough time in either gym or music, and can’t even have an all school
assembly because we have too many children to safely gather them now. And, for
the record, the staffroom was used as a classroom this year because a few years ago we
had a class on the stage (trying to learn while gym classes were running on the
other side of what is essentially a curtain where I would estimate their minutes
of concentrated learning each day to be ZERO) and the school thankfully decided
it would not put learners in that position again. http://education.alberta.ca/department/ipr/archive/commission/report/reality/school/implement.aspx
The city of Edmonton is growing fast. Edmonton
Public School Board was home to almost 7000 more students this year (2013/14)
than in the 2009/2010 school year. Most elementary schools are now ‘bottom
heavy’ with far more division 1 students (k-3) than division 2 students (4-6). https://sites.google.com/a/epsb.ca/acc-test/
These kids will have to grow through the grades and the rates aren’t dropping
off behind them. In fact about 20% of the city’s kindergarten students live in
the new and developing areas of the City where there are currently very few
schools, and up to ¼ of the city’s over 40000 preschoolers live there too. http://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/documents/Summary_Report_of_All_Questions_Edmonton_2012.pdf
There is a toddler tidal wave (a school
age tsunami if you will) coming, and like a wave their numbers will flow
through 13 years of schooling (grades k to 12) and space will be needed for
We are ALL perfectly aware that the district failed to close
underutilized schools, that the city has allowed for unchecked development,
that the builders and realtors have spun tall tales of schools just waiting to
be built, that hundreds of families bought knowing there was no school close to
their family home. We are all aware of the colossal lie we have been told and
chose to believe. Right now, we need someone to lead us out of the mess.
Those who idiotically (and obtusely) cry “Nanny state” or “Socialist!”
every time a government regulates growth or sets standards for community
planning need to be challenged. They have been loudest, longest but they do not
speak for everyone. When we fail to vote in a government who serves the
people, we fail to GET a government who serves the people. Our society needs
leadership which puts the greater good first, and employs long term strategies
and thinking to get us there.
But the government of Alberta has consistently put the
highest income individuals ahead of seniors, workers, families, and most of all
children. Sadly, the party waiting in the wings, trying to say all the right
things and likely to become the next Alberta government follows the same agenda
of putting individual privileges over societal rights and responsibilities;
ahead of the greater good. They say the wealth will trickle down, and that the
private will act in the public interest. I have not seen that happen. Not in
the large scale, organized way we need. Our society needs a benevolent
government to do that. Where is that leadership?
There IS a way we can achieve a fair and just society without
homogenizing it, and without removing individual opportunities from it. A good
place to start would be ensuring the next generations coming up have equal
access to a great education. Good leadership can teach the people to think long
term again.
For now, you promised that you could be a party who could
adapt, who could respond to the needs of Alberta’s people, and you have not
kept that promise. Announce new schools for where the kids are. Now. And build
them before you fail the 100s and 100s of children counting on you. Because
they are NOT just numbers.
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